Engaging, equipping, and sending people to make known the truth of the gospel.
Thanks for choosing to visit our site! No matter how you found us, we're glad you're here. Willow Ridge Church is a body of believers made up of people of all ages, backgrounds, and family dynamics located in Lexington, SC. Our vision is to be a church of one family, one ministry, and one calling in everything that we do. We exist to engage, equip, and send people to make known the truth of the gospel. We do this through gathering for worship, joining together for small group discipleship, and engaging in missions in as many ways as possible. We even have a fun event or two on occasion, and we promise great food will be involved!
Whether you've spent your whole life in church or you've never set foot inside of one, our church family has a spot that only you can fill. Whatever your stage in life, we have somewhere where you'll fit right in! Below are some helpful links to get you started navigating our website. If you've got a question you can't find an answer to, feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom of the page!
We're here to help. Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch!