Register for a Discover Class
Whether you're interested in joining our church or ready to take the next step in your faith through baptism, we'd love to have a conversation with you about it! When they are scheduled, upcoming Discover Classes will appear below. If you don't see anything right now, check back soon!
Upcoming Classes
Discovering Willow
Sunday, January 19th at 9:00am
Are you interested in becoming a member of Willow Ridge, or just looking to learn more about who we are? Discovering Willow is designed to teach you all about who we are, what we believe, and what it means to be a part of our church family. Click to sign up!
Discovering Baptism
Sunday, January 26th at 9:00am
If you’re considering being baptized or would like to know more about what baptism means, join us for Discovering Baptism. Baptism is a beautiful part of being a follower of Christ, and we would love to come alongside you in taking this next step in your journey as a believer. Click to register!
Do you have a question about a class, or are there none currently available?
Send us a message and we'll be in touch!